Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else

Hello, I am new to this forum and my mother tongue is not English, so please forgive me if I make mistakes as I use a translator.

I recently bought an XA30.8 and an XP12. I was very happy but as time went by I began to not feel comfortable with the sound.
After doing many tests, I find that the XA30.8 sounds very very sweet but actually too much. I find it to be a loosely defined amp, somewhat muddy and lacks a lot of air and grip. The soundstage is very closed.

The XP-12 is the worst of the two. It is a previous that removes a lot of resolution and information, without transient attacks and sunken mid frequencies. Instead it brings warmth.

Has anyone of you found the same?

If you ask me, I have a Klipsch Cornwall and a dCS BArtok.

Now I want a capable amp, forceful, something warm, decisive, airy and with a great soundstage.

At first I thought of changing my XA30.8 for X250.8, and changing the XP-12 for a second-hand Audio Research Ref5. I am afraid of this change and continue with Pass, since I can go back to the same thing a bit.

On the other hand I have thought of going for a Luxman 900 combo, since it has very good reviews and from what I have read it could be the winning ticket.

Pass Labs XP-22 is a fantastic preamp.    It is not cheap at $9,500 list price.   But it opens up the music like you never knew before.  It has been voiced with the aid of the XA 30.8 version of amps.   So they are a match made in heaven.   Just add your favourite sparkers (preferably revealing) and you will be happy for a long, long time.

If you are after the Pass Labs sound and you are not happy with the XA30.8 then I’d thoroughly recommend the XA25 as a cheaper alternative. I sold my XA30.8 and bought an XA25 for a similar reason to the OP. I felt that as nice as the XA30.8 was, it was too warm and it didn’t have tight enough bass. The XA25 has that Class A relaxed sound but it coupled with a lower noise floor and high levels of speaker control (lower output impedance). It also has fairly similar power output to the XA30.8 (Stereophile measured 90 watts into 8 ohms). Pure Class-A extends to about 25 watts which is similar figure to the XA30.8 from memory.
It also weighs about half as much so you won’t get a hernia lifting it (ask me how I know)......


Please; as much as I like XA25, XA 30.8 is in a different league.   You get 50% more of  the filter capacitance 120,000 microfarads per side vs. 80K on the XA 25.  30.8   walks all over XA25 in bass dept.  Perhaps, it is a bit sweeter in the midrange, but overall it shines over the XA25.   Do not get me wrong, XA25 is an awesome amp especially for someone putting their toes in Pass ocean for the first time. 

I don't think anything it wrong with your amp - I think you're just not digging it. I think Steve Huff nailed it when he said synergy. I have Pass gear. Ive gone through 2 INT-60's - I HATED the first one and sold it, and Im a fan of class A ... I later purchased different speakers and re-purchased another 60 - and fell absolutely in love with it. It was a completely different experience and synergy. Ive had the INT-25 as well as the xa25 - I really enjoyed both - the XA25 sounded better at louder volumes (pending on pre of course - there it is again synergy) and the INT-25 sounds simply sublime at low to mid level listening - I found it aggressive when turned past 40. I've also owned a 30.8 and loved it - loud or soft. Im sure you've squared all this away by now but felt like chiming in. Best of listening.

Lots of excellent responses here, BUT, an incredible amp for $1700-$2400 is the LSA Voyager GaN 350, the newest amp tech: I saw one listed recently for $1700, but typical new price is $2400. Every change I have made to my system is easily heard. They need ~ 150 hours to shine