Which preamp to go with pass labs x150.8

Hi all, 

I am getting Pass Labs X150.8. I am considering following preamps: 

Simaudio Moon P740 

Ayre KX-5 Twenty 

Audio Research LS28SE

Pass Labs X12

Which preamp would sound the best with the amp? 

Thanks for your input. 


Agree with @jjss49 depends totally on what sound characteristics you’re looking for and how they match with your amp.  What pre are you using now?  I wouldn’t even consider purchasing a preamp until you’ve heard the amp in your system and identify more concretely what you want in a preamp.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

@runwell  "I do not suggest a tube preamp with any SS amplifier,as it is not a good match."

Have you had a tube pre and SS amp in your system; if so what were the components.  I have a Modwright LS100 tube pre and KWA100SE solid state power amp in my main system, sounds just fine. 


Yeah, “I do not suggest a tube preamp with any SS amplifier,as it is not a good match.” That is probably well intended, but just flat out wrong. 

@jerryg123  Yes!  There are a lot on the market, you just choose it. However, I do not say we can not make that combo and listen. I am asking the best sound you can get from the system, which  definitely not Tube pre +SS power.

     simply tell me,which TOP TOP hifi syetem is in that combo = Tube pre +SS power.  It is just the trade off. and I just do not want that trade off in hifi system.


@facten  As I said above,it is good or best. It could be good. Never be best in that combo. By the way, yes,I have that combo many many years ago,and I just ditch it.


@soix   When you have no idea,and you are that thinking of others,right?


@ghdprentice Just want to know "HOW" that flat out?