Best sounding CD player

I am interested in knowing what there think is the best sounding CD player . Some of my favorites are AMR cd-77, Cary 306sacd


let me know what your thoughts are including how the player sounds 


i have kept three cd/sacd players (been through well over a dozen serious ones over the years) -- 2 modwrights, one modded sony

the sony is a warren gregoire vsei-modded level 5 sony scd-777-es

the modwrights are dan wright’s marantz sa 8005 and sony xa5400es - both with dan’s tube rectified power supply and 5687 tube output stage

organic yet precise sounding unts, with tonal density, timbral accuracy, excellent impact and terrific soundstaging

gone are units from teac/esoteric, pioneer elite, meridian, cal audio labs, levinson/proceed, audio research, wadia, krell, quad and roksan

I like an Onkyo C-7030.  Kicks serious butt.  Better than a lot of separate DACs.  My opinion.  YMMV.  But it might be worth a test given its cost.


My Ayon CD5s sounds better than records and I play my Bluesound Node through it for that tube warmth.  Streaming is great for auditioning new music, but at least for me having the tangible article in my hand with pictures of the artists, liner notes etc enhances my listening experience.  Also I know I am going to like nearly everything from each CD since I picked them myself.