Field coil dava cartridge

I have been hearing great things about the dava field coil cartridge with the tube power supply. I am only able to read a few reviews on them. The reviews seem all positive and the designer Darius seems to be a very approachable person . I would like to hear opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the cartridge. Especially comparison with the Lyra atlas sl which is my current cartridge.

thanks in advance.


Dear @mijostyn  : There is no perfect tonearm and always exist trade-offs but no LT tonearm I owned or listened in a well know system can't even the kind /rigthness of bass range that has a pivoted (non-unipivot design. ) tonearm and it's rigth there where the foundation of MUSIC belongs/lives in a home system: as better the bass mangement of a room/system as better the overall quality performance reproduction levels of that room/system.

I could think that Mike is aware of it as other gentlemans too.



@dogberry Your present health condition has had quite an impact on your lifestyle. I do hope there is an improvement through available treatments that will reduce the impaction of the present condition and enable you to take on a little more out of the house time.

It is not difficult to imagine how having a means to communicate about a Hobby is quite valuable to you, in this context, the impression is that the participated in activity is well grounded and has value. It is satisfying that I am one who has responded to your posts and hopefully offered something to be of interest for you.

In the not too distant past a friend had a very invasive surgery and quite a long convalescence. They lived approx' 100miles from my home and I shared time on the Phone regularly and visited them on quite a few occasions, which evolved from general chat, to being able to play Mum on their HiFi System to enable them to talk HiFi and experience their music.

Another friend who I met initially through HiFi, who lives a similar distance in another direction and is well into their retirement years has had their own health scares and needed invasive treatments, this situation when presented has been no different. I have spent many hours in conversation on the phone and have been with this person when arrangements to meet were agreed.

Only tonight I have been attempting to arrange a date to visit my retired friend. 

I know my willingness to participate socially has been beneficial to others, and not only restricted to the individuals who are pleased of the Company during a difficult time.

@dogberry I do not know how careful you have to be with Visitors, but I can assure you with what I know now, I would not hesitate to offer a visit to share a time with you if I could visit in a reasonable Journey time. I'm sure it would be a very nice encounter, and would be followed by the usual, where a friendship blossoms.

 It is easy to Tap a Keyboard and create a Persona that is intended to make an individual seem more than they actually are. I avoid this and share experiences encountered to the best I recollect them. Some recollections are supported by emails produced between individuals shortly after the experience, and more recently a New Group Member records notes of all subjective evaluations and presents them as a type of minutes to the attendees.

Staying as close to a recollection of an experience as possible, is where I am believing the best info' is to be discovered, when reporting on Musical and HiFi encounters.

For me, making the time to talk to or to spend with other's, that are like-minded in a particular enthusiasm is not too big a deal. I Walk the Walk on this one. 


I'm an ocean away from you, I believe, so I'll be happy to make do with the good wishes implicit in your offer. Thank you for those!

@rauliruegas , I have no experience with an air bearing straight line tracker in a system with well tuned subwoofers so I can not say for sure but a vertical effective mass that is too low would explain that. A carriage driven straight line tracker or the pivoted straight line trackers like the Reed 5T and Schroder LT should be able to make excellent bass by just increasing their effective masses to suit the cartridge. You can always add mass. 

The MC Diamond has played enough sides now that I can definitively tell you that if you have a phono stage with an excellent signal to noise ratio you definitely want one of these. In comparison to the MSL Signature Platinum it has a bit more of an edge. It does not get sibilant but it has more bite. It is the punchiest cartridge in current mode I have ever heard. It's bass is defined and aggressive. It has more gain in voltage mode with a better signal to noise ration but it is not quite as  aggressive. I am willing to live with a little hiss (only noticeable with the tonearm lifted) for this cartridges performance in current mode. The MSL is smooth and effortless with a much higher gain in either mode and might make a better classical cartridge for some folks but for Jazz and Rock I prefer the Ortofon. Next up is the Lyra Atlas Lambda SL.  

Dear @mikelavigne @bonzo75 : Here it’s an Audio Technica cartridge design celebrating the 60th AT Anniversary . I know that for both of you and several audiophiles AT could means almost " nothing " but I have a deep and wide first hand experiences with almost all the AT MM and LOMC designs because I owned and still own some of them in the same that with the AT Signet division models that are even better than the AT ones.


Things are that the AT design 60th anniversary they decided to make only 60 samples and guess what: in less than 10 days disappeared/sold and unfortunatelly I arrived just late to own my sample.

All the owners not even have the opportunity to listen it they just bougth because is AT ( I never listened an AT cartridge that sounds bad including its AT95 with a price tag of 120.00 that’s better that you can imagine. ) and because is great design where they really are celebrating when choosed that the diamond cantilever and stylus be builded from ONE diamond piece where the stylus is not attached to the cantilever but is integral part with the cantilever and this is UNIQUE today for say the least and an achievement.

I hope that AT can decide to build a new set with at least 500 cartridges.

Last time the audio world seen a cartridge with one diamond cantilever/stylus one piece was in 1980 and that kind of challenge was made it by Sony with it 88D model and I’m almost sure that both of you never had the opportunity to listen it or even know Sony as a top LOMC manufacturer. I still own two Sony different models and are great performers.


Anyway here it’s the Audio Technica that was mentioned in other thread. Only for your records Nagra designed a cartridge with a price tag over 18K ( the Audio Technica is only: 9K. ) but Nagra gentlemans are not specialist in cartridges and choosed not diamond or boron as the cantilever but Ruby/titanium where that sole characteristics for the gentlemans that know about cartridges makes not even turn their face to see the Nagra that between other things has around 14.5grm. on weigth so figure. Btw Nagra comes with the same stylus shape that top Ortofon and VDH.




Other true advantage with the Audio Technica is that’s a very good tracker, here there are " no errors ". @mijostyn I don’t think AT will buil that cartridge with low internal impedance as you like but it’s not necessary for maybe no other gentleman but you.

