Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless


“ … Bitrates, sampling rates, bit sizes, wattages, amplifier classes…. as an audio enthusiast, there are countless specifications to compare. But it is – virtually – all meaningless. Why? Because the specifications that matter are not reported ánd because every manufacturer measures differently. let’s explain that...”




@amir_asr you said:

Even major companies like Denon are using and producing same measurements as me although sadly they are not releasing them to consumers.

OK, let’s take a look at the Sound United "Experience Center" where they test the gear as it is meant to be used, in a proper setup. You have two speakers in an untreated room with a mic and a PC. Your in room FR that looks like the Mississippi river during a hurricane.

You don’t have the proper conditions to even listen to MCH gear much less review it, you know that, please stop, ok?


I went to the ASR site about six months or so ago. I read many review (most of the content) and conclusions. I particularly focused on components I had personal experience with. From a detailed analysis of method, reviews and conclusions I realized it was perhaps well intended but naive, misguided and misleading. To the beginner, it embodies the essence of what it takes to send them in the wrong direction if they wish to get good sound quality for a budget.

@jerryg123 , you forget, kids today don’t have access to dealers any more. Sending them to ASR is a terrible suggestion. Better they meet some of our members and hear the real deal firsthand, don’t you agree?

@amir_asr , I still appreciate you posting your system. Hopefully the fact you keep coming back to our site is helping some of the stuff we are sharing with you start to sink in. Everything matters, the room, the cables, the power, the source, etc. You can’t just measure one anything, stick a panther on it, and expect it to produce the goods. You gotta build a room around it first, plug it into pure power, connect it with quality cables, and then calibrate (last step). Why not start posting some stuff about taking a bunch of gear you like and putting it together in a system, isn’t that what most dealers do? Just no MCH until you get setup properly for it.