@amir_asr So how do the folks at other review based organizations do it? Sterophile, PTA, M&S, PF, ... I know they are better equipped in both staff and technology, and they are dedicated to one mission or job, Reviews.
Quality not quantity. You just validated what many are saying here.
You have this backward. I bring the quality. They bring fiction. Anyone can write a word salad about how something "sounds." You have no way of verifying anything they have said. Their reviews are also universally positive. Here are my stats from the ASR Review Index:
Total Devices Tested by Amir 1,177
Total Devices Recommended by Amir 495
Recommended Devices By Amir % 36%
As you see, I find issues with 2/3 of the products I test. I have the freedom to say so because I either buy the product myself or a membrer sends it. I am not beholding to a manufacture who sends me gear to give a positive review.
But let's say their motives are pure. Their listening tests are not worth bits that are used to store them online. Here is how they did when testing speakers -- something that should be easy for them -- in formal double blind study:
You see how poorly the audio reviewers did? They could not remotely provide consistent results of listening to the same set of speakers. You would want to put your trust in that???
When I perform listening tests, it is not for writing novels. It is to focus and quantify keep weaknesses in products. And to see if measurements are correctly predicting performance.
What is great here is that audiophiles are appreciating the value of proper audio reviews as opposed to fiction. Here is our traffic compared to stereophile.com for example:
We have 3X the reach despite being much younger site. You want to continue to live in the past, you can. But please don't ask me to feed you nonsense in my reviews.