Best sounding CD player

I am interested in knowing what there think is the best sounding CD player . Some of my favorites are AMR cd-77, Cary 306sacd


let me know what your thoughts are including how the player sounds 


Well I have a sonic frontier  dac and transport three with an out board power supply it is one of the best five cd playback systems  I have ever heard most of that group of five systems  have the ultra analog  chip set in them. They all retailer for over 20 k in the day. One level down are top of the line play back systems  that have 63k dac sets in th I have both a wadia and a krell with those dac chips and I used to own a ead  with those dac chips. They are all in the 10k at retail price range back in the day.any will not agree with me but I have not found any streamer that comes close in sound quality.  It may be the streamer I have heard or it may be the cheaper play back systems  that others are comparing  to streaming  or partly both. 


Good point, and that's where we all come in recommending products across a whole landscape of price points. Maybe what we don't ask frequently enough is "what's your price range or budget?" to an OP. Take care

Exellent cd-players/transport : Audio Note CDT two/II , Metronome Technologie “le player” , Audiomeca Mephisto II.x , Audio Aero,…

I currently own a Cary 302/600 and would like to better the sound while maintaining the ability to use as a dac fir streaming. 

i curios on luxman d06U, d03x models call it new vs old. 

Sparkler Audio makes a great sounding reasonably priced CD player. I have been using the s503 for the last few years and only recently added a Mojo Audio Mystique X SE. I’m very happy with the combo. The s503 has been replaced by the s515 (+/-$2K), a two box set up that sounds better than the s503 and as a transport bettered a highly modified 47Labs Flatfish. If your budget allows, the Human Audio Libretto II CD player ($10.5-11.5k depends on finish) would be on my short list. Off the grid battery powered, nos Dac, and one of if not the finest transports I’ve ever heard! 
Good luck hope you find what your looking for.