I would try reaching out to Accuphase directly.
My preamp and phonostage are fed by a power supply which provides 12V, and the manufacturer sent a jumper from Europe and the instruction sheet for converting it from 110v to 230v.
(Another US manufacturer’s tube amp was wired to 230v from 110v by a local electronic repair place… they pretty much know how to do it if it is a direct transformer tap, and not via a jumper or two… which does the same thing.)
And PrimaLuna sent the instructions for which transformer taps to move the mains for 110v to 230v conversion.
I suspect that Accuphase would do similar, but that is mostly based upon my positive impression of them as a very reputable high end company. I could be wrong, but my impression is that Accuphase and Luxman are sort of high end there.
(Or I would be pretty surprised if they did not help.)
So it seems like it is worth a try to email them.
Best of luck with it. I suspect it is a nice piece of gear.
(Or it truely sucks and I’ll give $19.50 for it. 😗 )