Which preamp to go with pass labs x150.8

Hi all, 

I am getting Pass Labs X150.8. I am considering following preamps: 

Simaudio Moon P740 

Ayre KX-5 Twenty 

Audio Research LS28SE

Pass Labs X12

Which preamp would sound the best with the amp? 

Thanks for your input. 


When you have no idea,and you are that thinking of others,right?

@runwell What the hell are you even talking about?

I do not suggest a tube preamp with any SS amplifier,as it is not a good match.

What are you even basing this insane statement on?  Many, many people here find combining a tube pre with a solid state amp to be the best of both worlds.  Again I say you’ve got absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and just spewing out mindless crap with no factual basis whatsoever.