Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??

Price to spend around $500-800 used.

Tonality? I don’t mind that as much but around neutral would be preferable.

Thank you all.


@timetraveler66 :

But if you can learn by reading or talking to someone who is actually educated in whatever it is you are thinking of doing,

Tell me more. I am interested. I love educated people. You are planning to go to college in a few years I assume ?




15 years ago I would have agreed. Bought a used power cable I could resell and break even on. Still can’t believe it.

If I am delusional it seems to be a constant, repeatable event, so I’m good with that.


Post removed 


How can you gain experience only by reading or only guided by the advice given from an educated person? This is beyond my understanding. It does not work that way. Some call this hobby some others passion, there is a difference between the two but in both cases you cannot save time and money.

No need to ask why it is impossible for a power cable to have an influence in sound. You are entitled to believe whatever you want but presenting facts makes this more valuable.