Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

Putting security and personal safety issues aside, do you share with others how much you have invested in your system?

I can see cases when we share with those who are generally interested what the "tariff" is for superb audio reproduction. Or, those who are already know how tall you have to be to ride the ride.

Can you think of any other reasons (accountants, lawyers, insurance, etc)? Afterall, when your spouses second cousin pulls in the driveway in their Minivan, bragging about fact that you have $10k invested in cables may not be the best way show common interests?

What say you?


Most that ask how much you paid for your system aren't really interested in anything but to find some reason to feel that you are stupid and they aren't.

You paid that much for something?, well you are an idiot.  To them.

They have no clue about music, accurate reproduction, what real music sounds like, room dynamics, etc.  They are the "expert" and you aren't.  

So, no, I don't tell people.

Friends that are into music or accurate music reproduction, will ask my help in setting up systems.  But as you know, unless you know what you like first with regards to music and how music should sound to you specifically, you won't know where you budget should be in the first place.  

This is why, to me, the used market and high mid fi to low hi end is the place to start for people.  

But really, I don't advertise my system to people anyway.  it is for me and my enjoyment.  If someone wants to come and listen, that is great.  

most of us started at the mid fi level and got on the upgrade roller coaster because we weren't quite "there" yet.


I don’t bring it up to avoid inviting criticism.

I get zero satisfaction from envy.  

Like souping-up Mercedes' AMG's in the past, no.  I would be thrown out or harrangued to death for reveling in such unecessary frivolity (better sound).  Many equiment improvements were called 'warranty exchanges', 'advantageous trades' or 'second-hand place holders.' Some pieces were just replaced without mention since they more or less looked the same to the uninitiated (i.e. same color, or unseen, like all cables).

If someone is sincere and shows interest in the hobby, I will tell them. Generally no though.

I do enjoy recounting how much it weighs though (1300 lbs).

I don’t drink or do drugs and never have…I tell myself that I’ve just put all that money I saved into audio. Yahhhh, that’s the ticket…

I  never tell anyone. Most people would think its too much to spend and they will usually get a bad/weird attitude. However, my wife does remind me how much I've spent. May I remind some that a $20,000 boat is commonly enviable. $35,000 on new kitchen cabinets is "economy". Our popular culture often makes a show of shunning "conspicuous consumption". The real issue is that too few have ever heard a truly excellent set up. They don't know what they don't know. And some (sadly)  wouldn't appreciate the difference if they heard it. Then there's the matter of knowing the varieties of music available. The top 10 hit stations have instilled the illusion that music got locked in a time freeze and stopped being created. Lets all try to share our love of music more and then the world will be a better place. IMO