Nobosound Springs

others have mentioned these on this forum and Amazon had them on sale, so I purchased 3 sets - 4 springs/set - one each for speakers and one for my VPI TT. I did the speakers first - about a week ago - could not believe the difference in sound. mids were way more clear and open. Like the instruments were hanging in the air. Bass was clean with no booming. I was able to turn the vol control from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock.

Installed them under the TT a couple days later - did not notice a huge difference in anything, but for the price, I am fine.

I have zero interest in this company.

played D2D from Lincoln Mayorga and others, Royal Ballet from APO, Miles Davis Prestige box set, plus others. All I can say is WOW.

TT is VPI Prime, speakers are full range 8" open baffle from Decware. Amp and pre-amp are tubes from Decware. 

Just sharing - YMMV of course. 


I'll take isolation devices over springs every time as the premise seems flawed. I do like the term nob o' sound though.

Are those cork pads better than the nob o springs? I have some nob o springs and I hot glued the springs in on one side so they can't fall out when moving gear. I only use them on lite gear. I have some Townsend springs but no good under my table. It's to heavy. 

I have a really good quality Silent Running Audio Ohio Class isolation platform specifically tuned for my Linn LP12… well worth it. But I have Nobsound springs under everything else. Well worth it, and made a small difference under each… but this stuff adds up to be very important. Over time I will upgrade Nobsound springs for SRA platforms. Great inexpensive treak.


I also have one set of Townsend under my headphone DAC… better that Nobsprings, no question. But much more expensive. 

springs isolate speakers and allow the speakers to vibrate naturally.  

spikes anchor them to the floor so they try to vibrate the floor which limits their vibration.

Rubber, cork tend to damp vibration so it limits the ability of the speaker to vibrate but somewhat differetly than spikes.

Those are the facts.

What is opinion is which of these approaches is better for sound.  Lots of different opinions.  I posted mine above (springs) the OP posted that he prefers springs.  I think springs make most sense.

but I realize others have other opinions and I respect that. I just wanted to point out what each option does.  Make your own educated decision and enjoy the sound.


I use springs under the Crites.  If I recall the weight limit for four springs is 120 lbs.  A rule of thumb is the spring should be half compressed, measured between top and bottom disk.

Is the definition of isolation pucks, pods, bars or platforms?

What category are springs ?

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