Are advances in technology making speakers better?

B&w every few years upgrades there speaker line and other manufacturers do this to.  But because I have the earlier version does this mean it's inferior? Cable manufactures do the same thing.

How much more effort is required too perfect a speaker? my speaker is several years old and all the gear and the speaker are all broken in. And now I'm being told to upgrade.

I am so confused what should I do?


I don't know how much stock to put it in Steve Guttenberg's reviews, I rarely come away feeling more informed at the end. To me if's a mystery why he is multiple times more watched than e.g. NRD  

I am sure he has a lot of experience and knowledge but his eccentricity (which is cool and has entertainment value) shows in his reviews - again where NRD is always down to the numbers, measurements and facts, despite the jokes 


To me it’s a mystery why he is multiple times more watched than e.g. NRD

... which is cool and has entertainment value

Most of not all of the popular YouTube channels put entertainment value first.

That’s the key point - entertainment.

Now if someone wanted to post videos of brain surgery online and they wanted high viewing figures then entertainment would no doubt be deemed far more important than pure surgical skill.

There seems to be something endemically difficult about the human condition that we need to put so much value on entertainment.

Maybe not just ’entertainment’, maybe it’s the personality that attracts us the most?

The feeling of not being isolated.



I am concerned a bit about Steve Guttenberg’s observation that maybe the new SP10 were on the "bright" side.


I noticed that. It’s often the case with reviewers that one subtle criticism tells you more than all of the flattery.

Of course, there’s no doubt that many will prefer a bright balance to a more neutral one.

I know I would have done some 30 years ago.

You’d think as people age that they’d prefer brighter speakers to compensate for the loss of higher frequencies, say above 12kHz, but then again a bright loudspeaker might have a boost between 7-10 kHz where they might be no hearing loss.

Such speakers tend to sound good in the showroom but maybe not so good long term.



but have you guys listened to speakers over the five decades? The difference in sound quality is just jaw dropping.


I’ve been into high performance audio playback for almost 4 decades and I can’t say I’ve noticed any jaw dropping sound quality difference.

For whatever reason I felt that there seemed to be an actual dip in loudspeaker performance during the 1990s and the early 2000s.

Some folks still hold the original Quad ESL and the BBC LS3/5 in the highest regard. If there was any jaw dropping improvements in sound quality I’m sure they’d be very interested.

I’ve yet to hear the highly regarded Revel Salon 2s which always seem to be up there with the very best when it comes to comparisons.

It’s interesting to note that they are now a 14 year old design.

There are a lot of fads I have seen come and go.  Titanium, Beryllium, ceramic,  milled aluminum, diamond, coaxial, perfectimpulse response, etc. and individually none of these IMHO have been so good as to dominate the market.

However, I do think we have better speakers in large part thanks to better tools.  Affordable to free lab quality microphones, measurement software, speaker cabinet and crossover simulators have, with some exceptions, ensured a marketplace of excellent choices.

For the most part the days of speaker crossovers optimized only on the frequency domain are gone.  We now expect excellent designs with good frequency AND impedance AND OFF axis responses.


well, it's all subjective. I really meant "entertaining" as opposed to useful. But I am twisting my own words now. I don't have 20 or 10 minutes watching a stranger for pure entertainment value. I better learn something if I spend the time that I could use for other things.

@kingbr  I hear you and can relate!

I have switched in numerous speakers over the years to try to find something I like better than my trusty Epi speakers... to little avail.  

I only got my Klipsch Heresy IV for something different... are they "better" in some ways?  Yes, especially in a larger room.  But they do not kick my old Epi to the curb by any means, and in many ways the Epi are far more practical, too, smaller and less picky placement, in addition to continue tickling the old eardrums in mysterious ways.  

Maybe when I move out of L.A. and to Arizona to enjoy full on energy independence (thank the solar for that) and open skies and easy living, I'll try out the Q Acoustics Concept 50 vs. the Heresy, but even then, I'm keeping the classic Epi 100 for my second system. 

There's something to be said for keeping what you have once you have them and like them.