Mahler on vinyl - your favorite

The only one I own at this point is the 4th by Analog Productions with Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony.

What are your favorite Mahler symphonies on vinyl? Looking to add to the record collection.



I agree and so will not repeat any of the above recommendations.

Songs of the Wayfarer, Fischer-Dieskau, Kubelik, DG (forget the attached 5th)

Sym 1, Horenstein, London Sym, Nonesuch

Sym 5, Abbado, Chicago, DG

Sym 7, Bernstein, NY, Columbia

Sym 9, Haitink, Concertgeboew, Phillips

Sym 10 Adagio, Boulez, London Sym, Columbia

Das Lied von der Erde, Walter, NY, Columbia

All of these hold there own into the digital era.

Symphony No.4-San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Edo de Waart-Margaret Price

Since this was my first classical recording I purchased a sense of nostalgia exists.

@singingg did you mean ignore the attached on Kubelik’s Songs of a Wayfarer? I didn’t find it with the 5th…

Hope I got the right album. Checking it out on qobuz. 

DG 2707 056 : Symphony 5 and Songs of the Wayfarer (2 LP set)

I recently listened to this album and found the symphony lacking in refinement.

Here are some more suggestions from my LP list :

Das Klagende Lied, Boulez, London Sym (same discs as Sym 10 Adagio)

Das Lied von der Erde, Walter, Vienna Phil, ( ancient mono sound that is saved if you have the Decca curve in your phono pre)

Recital of Mahler Songs, Fischer-Dieskau, Berstein (piano), Columbia

Kindertoten Lieder & 4 Ruckert Lieder, Fischer-Dieskau, Bohm, DG

Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Schwartzkoff, Fischer-Dieskau, Szell, London, Warner

All…thank you! Streaming and checking the above suggestions, making a list.