Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps

Question newbie on tube amps, why are tube amps according to people who own them say the sound is more say romantic sound vs SS amp ? 

What is better to own cost wise sound advantage single ended and push pull ?

Thanks guys excuse my inexperience on the tube issue.


Tubes are kind of like living beings.

You put them in when they are brand new, the early spring of their life,  and they are stiff and awkward.

As they get some hours on them they start to breathe and take on more life.

As they begin to mature, you realize, "Hey, these things have some legs under them!"

When they are in the summer of their life, they hit their prime, their stride, and they exude a magnificent and glorious sonic presence.

As they begin into the early autumn of their life, their beauty compares to that of a day in October; the sun sets earlier but it still has a warm glow in the afternoon, and that is accentuated by the red and gold leaves drifting down.  It's beautiful, but it will be over. 

Late fall turns to winter and it is time to perform euthanasia and then contact an adoption agency.

Anyway, I like my vacuum tube components but they may not be for everyone.  I can respect that also.


For nearly forty years my system used tubes of various sorts.  About 2016 or so I was using two pair of Cary Audio 2a3 SET monoblocks to amplify the midrange and super tweeter horn drivers in my triamplified fully horn loaded DIY speakers.  Then I read the Six Moons Audio review of First Watt F3 single gain stage, single ended, Class A, JFET output transistors amp.  According to the reviewer the F3 was the first SS amp to better SETs at their own game.  Unseen and unheard I bought a F3 from Reno HiFi.  I was so pleased with the SQ I bought a second F3 stereo amp and used them to replace the Cary Audio 2a3 monoblocks.  I have never regretted the change.  The First Watt F3s have all the immediacy warmth and romance of the SETs plus better resolution, transient speed musically appropriate detail.  Also I certainly don't mind  avoiding the hassle of slow tube degradation and the need to search out good 2a3 bottles at affordable prices.

Maybe I should have tried the F3.The F7 was a miserable disappointment with my high efficiency speakers.