
Is it better to upgrade to an ultra premium cartridge or to buy the premium records such as hot stampers and the like?


What cartridge have you got and what cartridge are you thinking about? Premium quality records are always to be sought but in neither case ( cartridge or LP) does cost necessarily correlate with performance. I am not a believer in hot stampers, so far as that goes.

I'd say always get the best cartridge you can afford, whatever that might be.

Solypsa I have a Transfiguration Axia now and yes, thinking about going to a top end Grado Epoch 3 or maybe something a little less. I know the Grado is a MI and not MC like the Axia but, have ready stellar reviews.

Axia to Epoch 3 is indeed a big jump, price wise. You would have to determine if your table/arm/phono could also support the improvements.


Even looking at $6k carts opens doors to a large uptick in performance imho