What exactly is a speaker box sound?

In another thread the comment was made that all speakers with baffles cause them to have edge diffraction effects which makes it easy to hear the speaker itself, instead of the music.

Maybe I'm spoiled but it's been a very long time since I have heard this effect in real life.  What speakers have you heard lately which sound exactly like speakers instead of music?


The best way to explain this is with your EARS.  Go to a high-end shop.  Listen to the same source--one you believe you know well--on any and every box or horn or whatever speaker they have.

THEN, listen to the same source on Magneplaner speakers.  If you cannot tell the difference, buy the speakers you like best.  If you can, you have learned what I did in the 1970's.  ALL box speakers change the sound of the source.  Some may like that, some may not.  Maggies deliver whatever you send them.  Once again, some may like that, some may not.  As for pure electrostatic speakers, give them about 30 minutes or so and you will understand the term "listening fatigue."





Magneplanars, as good as they are, have their own "sound" too. I recall oversized instruments and voices as a result of the large radiating surface. We each choose the distortions that we find easiest to live with.


Exactly why I suggested to the OP that he listen to EVERYTHING and buy what HE likes.  While we may disagree on what Maggies "add" or "sound like" in a given situation, I, PERSONALLY, have never heard a more accurate reproduction of the source material when the ROOM is right and the HW is top-quality (ARC in my case).

My shop sold over 20 brands of speakers, so I definitely understand that people have different tastes.  My point to the OP was to listen to as many DIFFERENT things as possible before making a buying decision.


Exactly why I suggested to the OP that he listen to EVERYTHING and buy what HE likes.


It's a little sad people think you only come to audiogon when buying.  This thread is for discussion, and curiosity for me, not to help me buy anything.  I always buy what I prefer to listen to, if I can't make it myself. :)

My point to ask this question is in part that I haven't heard actually terrible speakers that sound like boxes in a very long time.  Was wondering what is out there today that has this quality.