Best sounding solution for Ipod

Hello 'Goners:

Like many of us out there I have succombed to the 'Ipod bug. I am emabarrased to admit but I have large amounts of jazz, rock, and acoustic stuff on WAV files that are wonderful due to the ease and convenience of it's access. However I find the sound slightly lacking in dynamics, soundstage, and transparency especially when listening to jazz (Art Blakey and the jazz messengers come to mind), etc.

I have heard about Krell's new "Kid" ipod preamp but I am not willing to for over 1k of my hard earned cash for a overpriced gimmick Krell is pushing on it's consumers to stay in the augio game. I am also not keen on purchasing a DAC that will just complicate my analog set-up.

I am currently running a recapped C-28 (Mcintosh) preamp, Mcintosh MC-2155 amp, and my laptop is connected via it's headphone jack into the back of my preamp's aux input. I have read about "audiophile"-like tubed ipod set-ups (preamp/amp from FATMAN) but I am not willing to rid myself of my Mcintosh gear or spend $700 on an mass produced, over-hyped, over-priced set-up from China.

There has to be a solution out there that I can use with my current set-up without robbing my wallet or sacrificing my source components.

Any suggestions?

Are you running a line level output from multiplug at the bottom of the ipod or taking your signal out from the minijack at the top?

Things sound a lot better from the line level. If you are coming from the headphone minijack you are getting signal from the ipod's amp which is not too hi-fi to begin with and you add a layer of noise on top of things that way.

I go line level from my ipod into my hi-end system and it's not too bad for casual listening. Not a $1200 CD player for sure but then again you would be suprised how close the sound comes to one.

I use a monster RCA plug set-up that also includes the video out should I ever want to run to my TV.

I put all of my CDs into my 160gig ipod and leave it on shuffle. Like I said, for causual non-critical listening its the bomb.

After reading your post, I don't see an iPod listed at all? You do however mention that your laptop is connected to your system via the headphone output.

So, are you using an iPod or are you using iTunes output from your laptop? There's potentially a big difference in how to execute a good sounding solution.

A simple step up in sound quality from your computer involves using a better connection cable from the headphone output. (This goes for the iPod too.) T_bone mentioned a couple, and I have had fun with the Zu Pivot.

Next step up (or skip right to it if you like) is an outboard processor (a DAC). You can get one with a USB input built-in, like the Apogee Mini-DAC, the Benchmark DAC-1, and lots more. You can alternatively use any DAC at all with a S/PDIF input, but in this case you have to buy another cable and another box--a USB converter--to link your DAC to your computer. The Hagerman HagUSB T_bone mentions is one such box, and there are more at different price points. The most upscale one I know of is the Empirical Audio OffRamp.

Personally I use an Apogee Mini-DAC without USB as my main converter. In the office I use an M-Audio Audiophile USB, because it also does analog-to-digital conversion. It is smooth-sounding but a bit short on detail. However it is still a good deal better-sounding than the computer's headphone jack, even with a Zu Pivot.
If you don't want to buy a dac and have a 4th or 5th generation ipod, I would get it modded by red wine audio. I had a 4 gen ipod which I was listening through the line out. The sound was ok (rolled off top end, bass a little light and the sound was veiled). I bought a red wine modded 5 gen ipod and everything was better. It had tighter and deeper bass, airyer highs, more transparent and with more detail. You should check out the comments on for more info.
If you are talking about the sound of the ipod itself, then the easiest upgrade assuming you don't already have it is the newest generation ipods. I borrowed my friends new 160gb and compared it to my generation before that 80gb that I own and I was delighted at how much better the newer one sounds. My wife has a generation earlier than mine (hers is a 60gb) and my 80gb sounds much better. So if you are using an ipod that is older than 2 generations you may be in for a real treat by simply getting the newest one. They seem to be making them sound better each time.