Schiit Freya +

Read some interesting reviews of the Schiit Freya +  tube based pre-amplifier.

Seems like it competes way above its price range.

Has anyone any direct experience with it?



@brunomarcs The buyer has sent a video  of the crackling noise and now says that's gone. Now the volume is making a noise. I've offered to refund him but he wants to send it schiit for repair.

I would offer to take it back again and if he still wants to send it to Schiit for repair, then that is on him. As for the volume making noise, it does. Is it coming over the speakers or just the relay clicking?

Brunomarcs I have one. It’s the tube that makes noise, the jj don’t make noise on mine. Probably Schiit will honor your warranty as long as you let them know, They have good costumer service.

The buyer wants to keep it, I've offered to send him a refund twice! He's contacted the factory is all I know. They said to try new tubes. I think he's perturbed I sent out an untested unit, It played just fine a year ago. I should've plugged it in and made sure it was working. I even doubled the package for safer shipping.  Like I say I won't guarantee a tube anymore on a sale of a unit. I'll  have to make a restitution of some sort. 

I took it back. Got it today.  When you turn the volume it makes a noise, it's supposed to make this noise. Tubes are fine. Maybe the buyer wanted to try one out before purchasing one and He had an out because I didn't know he was moving the volume and he assumed it was bad and I didn't ask. Now the remote doesn't work the volume though. Im the fool.