Btw, seven months ago I told you yhat you have a " problem " with your 90K monobloks and your " passive " line preamp. Even I gave you the whole Atkinson explanation on your amps and why he just did not recomended it and Atkinson is a trusty and unbiased reviewer that for years owned tube/sut electronics and analog but after around 10 years latter he switched to SS and no SUT electronics and for very good reasons , latter on he switched to digital alternative and no more analog but he is not only an audio unit reviewer but a recording engennering too and for the last 20+ years he made and makes audio devices measurements with very good tools for that in deep job and he always explains those measurements and wht means. You need to read again my 7 months ago post.
I remember you was looking for a phono stage in the 50k-70k price tag my advise was for: Dartzeel, Boulder, FMA, SimsAudio and some one gave you the advise for CH and you decided for CH.
For me is clear that you are not " satisfied " with what you are listened and you are thinking that a SUT can " enhance " your experienc but no SUT or other similar device can enhance nothing but the other way aroun: can degrade the audio signal including SS units the important issue is which device makes the minimum audio signal degradation everything the same and certainly SUT is not that device.
Btw, if " passive " units as your line preamp be in true better alternative then 90% of electronics been " passive " but things are that things are the other way around.
In the other side when a designer decides to use a SUT instead of an active high gain stages it’s not because SUT is better ( because it’s not in true. ) but because that designer has not the knowledge adequated levels and skills to design with out SUT and not for other reason.
Here a second Stellar review that confirms its " stellar " quality levels and confirms Atkinson measurements and in the picture you can see a really audio signal short path and the SMD full parts evrywhere, it’s not at random that the Stellar performs with that very high quality levels and as I told you with no SUT:
Btw, what atmasphere posted was theory that today it just does not happens and all that that you can use balance cable connectuion to the phono stage because th SUT is bs becase I think is what you do with your balnced CH unit.
Try to that some one browse you ( even if you pay for it ) the JC 1+ and a non-passive line preamp. Which the problem with? if you don't like then you confirm that what you own is the rigth road to go but if not then you could learn " something " about to fine tunning your room/system.I think that you need a different line preamp and amps and that’s it.
R. Sorry, when I was writing this post you just posted yours. So, forgeret my post.