Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 


@1971gto455ho head on over to ASR I guess.  They are like minded and like to beat people down and attack them for opposing views. 

@panzrwagn I work for a c company that builds robotics and linear controls that are used on the ISS and the Mars Rover. So with your logic I am an subject matter expert on space travel and rocket science. Oh we also own Dimond Chain that was on the Wright Flyer so am I a aerospace expert also? 


@jerryg123 Eexpertise in rocket science? I don't know, you'll have to tell me. 

I do know I brought my technical experience in analog to my work in digital communications and networking, where it served me well in developing high bandwidth and high capacity network architectures, especially in paying attention to grounding and noise management in high density rack installations, beginning with T-1 (1.544 Mbps) and T-3 (45 Mbps) in the early 90s to OC-12 (622 Mbps) circuits in the early 2000s. And by 2008 AT&T had upgraded over 80,000 miles of carrier backbone to OC-768 IP/MPLS 39 Gbps. About the I changed roles developing high-cap data replication, but now most of the network is100GbE moving towards 200 and 400.

And that's my point. No matter which music streaming service you're using, no matter where in the cloud (or rather which hosting services are used), there's a shit-ton of networking and thousands of miles cabling, both copper and fiber involved, none of it anything more than regular commercial grade. Swapping out the last 72" will give you better zeroes and ones? 

@jerryg123 Thank you for telling me where to go, I’d reciprocate moderators, might pull it down. So a company that’s into robotics and linear controls, what pray tell was your imput ? A big company might have parking lot attendants, janitors, maintenance people, secretaries, design engineers, scientists, etc. Perhaps you can give us a little insight as to your expertise ? 

Post removed 

Oh just a MS in ME and I am on the application and design team. No parking lot attendants at WHQ. @1971gto455ho 

@panzrwagn open your third eye.