Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?

Hi all, this is a controversial topic and I hope I will not offend anyone: imho many tube CDPs/DACs sound too "refined", too "smooth". Sometimes I would like to hear some "texture" but this texture is being smoothed over. It's fun and beautiful to listen at initially but on the long run it becomes... boring. It's like too much crême fraiche: it could be surprisingly tasty, but after a few times it won't surprise you any longer.

I think this is like a lot of things in high end audio where everything comes down to implementation. In short, I think it is impossible to generalize about how a player will sound based strictly on whether it uses a tube output stage. When a player has a tube output stage, I don't think you can assume that it will have a smoothed over sound any more than you can assume that a player with a solid state output stage will have a bright, etched, analytical sound. Some of the former will sound crisp, detailed and articulate, and some of the latter will sound warm, rich and organic. It's all in the implementation.

By the way, if you want to hear an example of a great tube design, check out the AMR CD-77. It has none of the negative characteristics you mentioned and is the most natural sounding digital source I have personally experienced.
That is a silly assumption. You need to get out and listen to better stuff in better systems. Cincy Bob sez it all and I agree with him. Hell, I bet if I did that, I might even find a SS unit I might like. Oh, I guess I already did that - :-)
Allllrighty then.....I guess you love the sound hard, edgy, crisp, detailed.........just like nails on a chalkboard, eh Chris?
Yes, I prefer smoother digital sounding players. Most ceedee players make me grind my teeth. Long live vinyl!!!

To each their own......
