Subwoofer suggestions for budget system?

My current setup is a pair of Magnepan 1.6 speakers, a pair of Schiit Vidars, Schiit Sol turntable w/Goldring E3 cartridge (I have a VAS-rebuilt Denon DL-103 with Ebony shell and microridge stylus when I can get someone to come set it up for me), Mani 2 phono stage, Asgard 3 headphone amp acting as preamp, Schiit SYS as source selector, Modi 3+ connected to Volumio for streaming digital and an Orchard Audio RCA-to-XLR converter to drive the Vidars in monoblock mode.

I'd like to add a subwoofer to the mix that can keep bass out of the Maggies.  I'd, of course, prefer a dipole sub to go with the dipole speakers, but not terribly picky ATM.  My budget is around $200 to $300 for now.  I have been very tempted to build a pair of my own subs, but that's not in my budget right now.



@soix so I was confused about the SVS, and went out and picked up a Klipsch Reference R-120SW sub and I am glad I did. It’s a much bigger box and sounds profoundly different. If the SVS is a bobcat, the Klipsch is a lion. It makes the room feel much bigger. However it’s very raw, aggressive, a bit tiring. I feel like I was in a DISCO for an hour and I just spent 20 minutes with it, my head is buzzing. So the ideal solution must be somewhere in between. (And I am still not a Klipsch fan but I appreciate the scale)

It feels like it’s absolutely possible to live without a sub but may not be worth all that much without it :)

@grislybutter If I was you I’d search out a Rhythmic sub.  I think, if using the techniques you used with the SVS, you might find what you’re looking for although maybe at a slightly higher price.  Or even better yet, a used Vandersteen 2wq.  That’d be your best bet.

thanks @soix I will look for a used Vandersteen one. I think it's hard to pair Dynaudio speakers with subs (my lame excuse) as the Evokes are so relaxed, musical and warm.  

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I should add: the labels on the back of the Klipsch are not possible to read. Who designed it? I took pictures of it with my phone and DSRL and still cannot read the numbers