Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 




174 posts

“better” cable/s without any technical data to back it up aren’t really “better”! 

What technical data do you look for when picking your cables? Thanks 

@thyname When you are dealing with Layer 1, the Physical layer where cables dwell, there is no such thing as 'digital audio transmissions'. There are only 0s and 1s represented by 0-300mv for Zero and 3.6-3.8v for Ones. Layer 1 has no mechanism for discriminating any data types, that all occurs at Layer 3, 4, or above, and is software, not hardware. 

So how does a cable give you better 0s and 1s?


Panzer Battalion: you are talking about USB for audio, right? I already explained it to you how USB works for audio transmission, not going to do it again, as it sounds you are unwilling and unable to read anything that does not confirm your beliefs and dogma.


And you never answered my question. Let’s do it again for the third time:

Do you stream music? If you do, how? Can you please explain your music streaming setup, from source to DAC? Thank you. Maybe I can learn a thing or two about digital communications 🙄


@soix “better” cable/s without any technical data to back it up aren’t really “better”! 

@westcoastaudiophile Well, I had my $50 Apogee Wyde-Eye professional digital cable in my system for 10 years and was quite happy.  The second I plugged the AZ MC2 in my system the soundstage expanded in all directions and tonal properties sounded much more natural and real. If you need measurements to tell you those things rather than using your own ears, well, maybe we’re just on different planes but the Apogee will not be going back into my system.  Use measurements if you will, but IME the final arbiter is what your own ears tell you in your own system and room if possible.  I highly recommend trying an AZ MC2 digital cable in your system.  Buy used and if it doesn’t give you significant improvements just sell it for little/no loss.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.