Thiel 3.5 vs Klipsch Forte IV Speaker choice

I am weighing the choice between the Thiel CS 3.5 and the newer Klipsch Forte IV.   My  budget for this is $3600.  If I get the Thiels, I would need to upgrade my amp to accommodate them.  Some possible choices would be a new LKV Power 3 Purifi amp or a used Jeff Rowland 525 amp or a Mark Levinson 23.5.

If I opt for the Klipsch, I do not need to upgrade from my tube amp based system.  The two choices are pretty equivalent in price.  

I have never heard the larger Thiels but had the smaller Thiel CS 1s for many years and still use them to compare with other speakers. They sound good in my music room until I compare them to others.  So far I have cycled through Spatial M3 triode masters and Vandersteen 3a.  Both sounded good but needed a larger room to truly shine.  Currently, I am using Kef 105 speakers and really enjoy the base they produce but think they are lacking in clarity and imaging.  I have only heard the Klipsch in a large showroom, but they sounded very good.  I understand these are very different choices and am hoping the wise Audiogoners can help me with this considering my room constraints and budget. 

My room is 14 x 17 x 8ft., with speakers on Long wall due to constraints. Floor is carpeted and room has some sound treatments. The rest of the system is Don Sachs preamp with Bob Latino modified ST 120 push pull tube amp.  Source will be streaming with Bluesound Node 2i and Schiit Modi Multibit DAC.  Next upgrade after speakers will be a better DAC.





Thiel 3.5s should not be costing you that much. I see them all the time selling for under $1K, with the eq. Completely different presentation in sound between the two, and you likely know what they are. The Fortes will sound fabulous with your gear......Yes you would need to get a ss amp with the Thiels ( ime ). My best.....Enjoy ! Always, MrD.

I’m a big fan of tube amps and sensitive speakers. So you know my vote.

It looks like your choice is between that and the ss amp to ineffiecient speaker sound.

Only you can decide but wanted to point out that it is a change to an entire differnt platform. So ask yourself first, do you really like ss amps better than tube? or vice versa.

You have a nice amp and I'm thinking you'll be happier with the Forte IVs.




Neither.  Get these Verity speakers.  They’ll astound you and are very easy to drive like the Klipsch but do 3D imaging/soundstage like the Thiels.  Best of both worlds IMHO.

@soix -- great find. I heard a Verity speaker system a few years ago and was very impressed. If I was in the market for speakers, I would have jumped on this deal.