Neutral Dac?

I’m curious to see people’s opinions on what they believe is the most uncolored dac? Every dac I’ve tried seems to be a flavor that deviates from neutrality in some way (smooths things over, too bright, too soft on transients, lacks bass etc...). Is there a dac that people believe gets all the fundamentals correct with leaving very little sonic footprint? What is the cost threshold needed to achieve it? I’m surprised at my own findings recently but really curious if anyone else has been searching for a fundamentally uncolored dac and what they’ve found.

   I realize the most obvious answer is "the dac with impeccable measurements" but I have also found some of them to sound unnatural (dry/bright).


Don't you find the same issue with cartridges? As many people upstream mentioned, it is the marrying of the entire system and room that you try and create that neutral sound. A better question is what is "neutral" because I believe each person has their own opinion on this.

As jerrybj said Soekris 2541. Look under the hood of the Denifrips DACs. There sits a Soekris DAC!

The Auralic Vega is remarkably flexible and affordable. You can set it up a number of different ways, but it always comes off quite transparent. It really is a fantastic piece of gear.

In the past year there have been several extremely positive reviews on the Topping D90 SE/LE and Gustard X26 PRO DACS. All reviewers stated emphatically either of these two DACs were as neutral an anything they have ever heard. Granted around here neither of them are expensive enough to be considered for anything other than a paper weight, but you might be surprised based upon what I’ve read.

FWIW, I've owned R2R Ladder DAC's and at least the ones I've had were anything but neutral. I grew tired of their presentation quickly because quite a bit of detail and imaging were left on the table. Its not a road I would want travel down again.