American Music Awards

All I can say is, Thank God I have a Skip Forward Button!

I feel sorry for all the listeners/viewers who'll never investigate what else is out there.


I don’t even bother anymore. I guess I'm still living in the past when you would see all kinds of different music/performers on a music award show. Those days are gone and if you don't like RAP or low-quality popular music, there will be nothing for you to see.

Liked: a) Pink's opening number b) Imagine Dragon's performance

Disliked: a) Machine Gun Kelly swearing and his mic drop b) Taylor Swift winning yet another award that evening c) the ridiculous amount of swearing, to the point there were endless bouts of dead air from network sensoring (although I must admit, blurps of dead air was probably much better than hearing the vulgarity itself)

I used to love the AMA's. No longer. Turned them off last night after the first hour. Every once in a while a music awards show is pretty good. I think I was very surprised (in a good way) watching the last Grammy's (and I think I watched the whole show). Hip-Hop/Rap rarely ever triggers any of my pleasure sensors, and usually makes me turn it off - one of the main reasons I can no longer tolerate SNL these days (besides everything on that show now being so political).