Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC

this notion likely gets beaten to death, BUT

I'm thinking about a DAC for use with some mid fi components, and my PC so as to incorporate some greater ease and variety.

Because my system is all holow state, I am also figuring it needs to be SS. Yes? No?

A good sounding overachiever that won't break the bank will likely do fine. something in the $300 - $600 range. Give or take a bit... no pun intended.

Any experience or thoughts or any slam dunk DAC ideas would be appreciated tremendously.


Well, i like the usb paradesea. I can understand why some may not like it but thats subjective. If is a very easy easy flowing sound.

I have not heard em but the usual audio boards have very good things to say about the promethius, Snixon and the audio sector...dont think you can lose with any of them.

If you need a usb and dont want to spend a lot i can also personally recommend the firestone with power supply. It is a great little unit for the price
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I'm using a Lite Audio DAC AM - modified by Pacific Valve. I haven't compared it to other DACs - but it sounds great in my system.
Wow … thanks so far everyone. Now in order…

Well, I'm always more about the musical involvement than the resolution and details... Naturally, they all add to the mix.

Surely I don’t want that “hi fi” analytical, or clinical dry sound, regardless. I’ll amend the price point if needs be to overcome that result.

Thanks. Names I’ve not heard of but will try giving ‘em a call.

‘preciate it. Thanks.

What’s “SOTA” mean?

I’ve spoken with Mr. Poon previously about his Monarchy DACs. He’s a sWeLL guy IMO. I’ve no issue with his work at all. At the time I felt to gain some greater technology by attaining a 24/192 set rather than the 16 & 20 bit units he made, with but 96KHz sampling.

Biamping? I let go of that bird after finding what the Silverlines & Dodd monos could do with the Thor preamp. The issue then for my tastes were the JRs. In fact I’d like to have another VK 500 w/BP to try on these sonata IIIs… but actually I’m pretty satisfied now and have little .designs on swapping out anything currently on hand…. ‘cept maybe some wire and possibly a PLC. Maybe.

Well there’s more votes for the MDHT Labs unit, and the sector & promithias units.

The main issue I have with the Pradisea is having to wait for one to go up on ebay. I seldom have great luck being the first one out of the gate on such things. …and truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of non communication from the maker. Kind of hits me like buying a watch on the street corner… Well, almost.

I’ve been passively checking out those units from a far for some time now… then and Audio Aero… but neither have USB.

In fact I’m wondering just how much a diff, if any, is there by using a USB DAC, rather than out of a half decent USB sound cards digital output into a standard DAC in the final analysis?

That way would open up other doors by way of later DA technology that isn’t employed in many USB dacS. E. I.E., MORE REGULATION, SEPARATE POWER SUPS, PARTS, ETC.

But THE ‘ONE SIZE FITS ALL’ NOTION, IS PRESENTLY VERY APPEALING…. Albeit the prime candidate to do everything for me is overvalued IMO… in that one respect, John Atkinson and I think alike.

I think.