Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


Well...pull your heads out of the sand for a moment and go do some research...or not...and you will see plenty of people that know a lot more than me who say the same thing and have done actual scientific test to prove it.

Enjoy your little echo chamber.. 🙄

"done actual scientific test..."

Hiding behind that old science claim, are we? Want some whine to go with those sour grapes? 

The first and most important aspect of science is observation. It's done through our senses. What you're referring to is data collected and tabulated to be referred to at a later date. And, what you're doing is using hubris as a shield of sorts to justify your preconceived notion that everything can be measured and can't be improved on. Quite the echo chamber you dwell in, eh? That would account for why they all say the same thing, like a mantra chanted by a cult.

Nature of science

Observations yield what scientists call data. Scientists analyse and interpret data in order to figure out how the data informs their hypotheses and theories. Data can be represented by detailed graphs or models, but at the most basic level, data is just recorded observations.

You need to remember that the word is not the thing, the map is not the territory, it's all an approximation of an observation done scientifically by, in this case, the listener. 

All the best,

@dadawada Please post your scientific data and show us science deniers.

I think these have peen posted before.