Aurender to Roon Core?

Has anyone tried converting an Aurender into a Roon core running ROCk?

if the Aurender is just a nice hifi computer, it seams like this might be possible.

Any ideas?



Aurender is not designed to work with ROON…two very different operating ecosystems just like Apple and Android. You can either accept Aurender for what it’s designed to do or move on to ROON compatible hardware :-)

“aurender sees roon as the enemy“

Not exactly since Aurender was founded in 2011, four years ahead of ROON’s launch in 2015. 


sorry but i am not following your drift

what does founding dates have to do with how aurender currently views roon? aurender does not want roon to be used on its gear, so they have made no effort to make it useable on its hardware, whereas many other streamer companies have


Aurender has committed considerable resources in developing a robust and intuitive app since their launch. I don’t think it’s fair to label Aurender as enemy of ROON just because they choose not to support ROON for philosophical reasons.

As far as other streamers companies, some of them have already developed their own proprietary music management software which (based on the feedback) proving to be far more superior to ROON in terms of sound quality. Not to mention, majority of the streamers that support ROON can’t operate independently unless you pair them with an external device running a ROON Core.

IMHO, Aurender decision to not support ROON is not only strategic but a wise one too.