Music Servers VS Excellent Transports?

Well here you go people? A question for my upgrade.
Should I go with an Excellent transport or a good Music server with a digital out. Sophisticated transport VS NO MOVING PARTS?

Considering the Opus Music Server or any of similar calibre.
My ripping and transfer skills are good so its going to be Lossless files with pretty much no compression of data right into my favourite DAC. All are welcome for this topic.
Please do stay withing the realm of the question, appreciate it :) Merry Christmas and happy holidays
Walt - that sounds great. Digital is better than most people's experience, actually capable of surpassing the best in vinyl. Did you have vinyl before, or still?
In a number of cases a computer based system may be preferred, however a top notch transport or all in one player can beat it hands down.

Essentialaudio - Have you directly compared a top notch transport/all-in-one player to a top notch computer-based system? If so, would you describe the computer-based system?
I'm in the process of evaluating systems. One of the adfvantages of a digital rather than USB output will be the marriage of the server with digital room correction software. Not to take away the necessity for at least some passive room treatment, but it can only do so much. I'm speaking of correction in the digital chain prior to the DAC. I used a Rives Parc, and I wasn't happy with the effects on my system's dynamics.


I compared the EMM transport vs the Transporter and can't really say I heard any difference. I think when a transport is slaved to the Dac clock there should be little difference in digital front ends. The only time I listen to cds from the EMM transport is before I have ripped them to my system. The only reason I keep the EMM transport is for SACDs.

In response to Steve, I don't listen to vinyl and have never really had a top notch vinyl system to compare my digital setup to. I love the way my system sounds and really have no desire to go in the direction of vinyl. I am old enough to have had vinyl systems before digital was even available, but at the time I was too young and broke to really have a good analog system.


Ditto Walt. I too have an EMM transport and just use it for SACDs. Empirical Audio Turbo-2 feeding into the EMM DAC sounds the same as EMM transport into the DAC. CDs are ripped and then go straight into storage.