Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?

From a layman mindset, a streamer transmits electronic information to a dac via coaxial cable or other connection. The electronic information I believe is standardized for all streamers. That said, the streamer itself could not influence the sound quality heard by the audience. I think it is bit-perfect information coming across to the dac. 

So for instance a Bluesound 2i   vs  Cambridge CXN V2 streamer should sound identical with the same connections and equipment used and of course same streaming service and content.


thoughts appreciated if I have this correct?  


@classdstreamer Wondering if you’re using an upgraded power supply with your ZS?  Also if you ever went hard wired from a switch/router to the ZS?  Both are supposed to yield significant improvements.  BTW, I also own the ZS with upgraded iFi iPowerX power supply.  

@soix Yes and yes are the short answers. 

As you likely know, iFi has 3 levels of power supplies, and it shipped the first level with the Zen Stream. I had an extra iFi iPowerX lying around, so I used that for a while with the ZS. Then I got the itch to try their highest tier of power supply, which I'm currently using. Their highest PSU gave a little extra refinement to the sound. 

I haven't tried the ZS with the wifi antennas. I went hardwired out of the gate.

Farther upstream, I recently upgraded the home network to multi-gig LAN and WAN. Because no audiophile companies have a multi-gig switches out yet, I'm using a TP-Link multi-gig switch directly into the ZS. I wanted to get used to the sound before I reinstalled the optical converters to see if there was any difference converting the network from ethernet to optical right before entering the ZS. Speaking of iFi and optical, have you seen iFi's latest streamer?--the iFi Neo Stream? It comes with a low noise optical converter and optical cable to connect to the optical input on the Neo Stream. I'm interested, but I'm uncertain whether it would be an upgrade for me. 

Aside from the great sound quality, I really like the slick display and the fact it has transport keys.     The component form factor is appealing to me also , as is the insanely good build quality. 

I am ok with having to spend for all those things if a component is really good

@classdstreamer Interesting.  I would’ve thought upgrading to a better power supply would’ve made a bigger absolute difference, not that the improvements you noted are at all insignificant.  I might try something like a Teddy Pardo LPS in the future, but given your impressions I’m not in all that much of a rush.  BTW, what Ethernet cable are you using into the ZS and what switch?

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