Looking for "realistic" speakers

I just had my pair of Cary Audio Silver Oak speakers get fried along with the rest of my Cary gear in some kind of power surge (sniff sniff). And absolutely loved the Silver Oaks because they just made everything sound authentic.

The instruments had the right timbre, scale, the balance was just right, and aside for perhaps a touch of richness had no character of their own. This made them sound great for any type of music.

I can't afford the $8K I spent in the day to replace so am looking for something closer to $2K-$3K max (used Ok). I'm looking less for something with super trick staging, imaging and some of the other high end niceties (though I wouldn't kick them out of bed).

More for a musical speaker that just makes the music musical and the presentation realistic sounding. That makes you forget you're listening to speakers/electronics and hearing the music the way it should sound.

Easy to say, I know.

My preamps and amps are solid state Cary stuff that will be replaced by insurance though sadly the Silver Oaks are no longer made.

Any ideas?
Vu is very knowledgeable and you will get to hear some really good speakers. He was a huge Cary dealer at one time, might still be, and he knew Dennis well. I bought my first Set of Cary gear and Spendor speakers from him.

FWIW I have heard the Salk speakers many times and even visited with Jim Salk at his home demo room in Michigan. They are very nice speakers. However, I think they will present a different sound than what you were used to.
Bud Fried (built by Salk) should also offer an in-home demo...and the sound is much more like your lost Silver Oaks than any of the Salk speakers.
I heard that the Salksound Veracity was off the charts on timbrel and tonal accuracy. At least in one review. Not so? Are they tilted more to the hyper revealing? Those can get tiring quickly for me personally.

Then again as the MMGs are breaking in I'm starting to seriously think about the 1.7s.
I love my 1.7s. They sound so right that the initially imposing frontal area just blends in with the room now, leaving me with very realistic, musical, and involving sound for a mere $2K. Well, I do augment them with a pair of little sealed 8" subs which blend very well.
I had some Salk Veracity HT1 speakers for 8 years and never found them tiring at all. I am retired and listened to TV and music both all day long on them. They had an exciting clean sound as opposed to a warm romantic sound. My girlfriend liked to come over and listen to music with me as they were so exciting to listen to.
