It seems like we maybe venturing slightly off topic with respect to SUT and SQ, but perhaps it is related, as SUT are magnetic-electrical devices, as are cartridges, which seems to be primarily magnetic and secondarily electrical devices (if electromagnetism can even be split up like that), but here is an interesting overview of magnetism, which seems to indicate that current is more directly related to magnetic devices, as opposed to voltage, although both current (I) and Voltage (V) are related by ohms law V = IR:
“Magnetic flux and current go hand in hand, and they have the differences. When current is induced in an area there will be magnetic flux and this magnetic flux will be opposite to that of the normal flux.
Now there will be a coil where we will induce current into it and then we can see the production of a magnetic flux. we see that when there is current induced there will automatically be an electric field and magnetic field produced inside the coil. So now when there is both magnetic and electric field there will also be flux lines.
Magnetic flux is simply the quantity which measures the amount of magnetic force that passes through a unit area per unit time. The magnetic flux is generally the number of lines which usually pass through the given unit area.
Simplest terms, a magnetic flux is comparable with electrical current as well as a magnetization in which current plays a major role is comparable with electrical voltage.
Although there are significant distinctions, a magnetic circuit is comparable to an electrical circuit. Magnetomotive force is equivalent to electromagnetic force inside of an electrical circuit.”
overview found here: