Need your thoughts - LTA 40+ vs Pathos Inpol Integrated amp on 98db speakers.

Going to buy a different amp, I am interested in a LTA 40+ or and a Pathos Inpol integrated amp to drive my 98db speakers.  I cant audition either one with out buying them and returning one of them.  That really would be a pain in the butt, but also probably the smartest thing to do.  Its hard to find much info on these two products vs each other or against  standard tube integrateds.  Your thoughts would be appereciated.



I use a UL+ amp with a 96db speaker. Its a supelitive amp it does great clean bass no flab or bloat. The rest of the spectrum is very natrual and neutral, no SS would be this way.

Its a super transparent amp. I've been told the 40+ would have more meat on the bones perhaps but I honestly dont want that any more than it is on the UL+. There is a ease to the stage with great layering on this amp.

I also have a Triode Push Pull which can sound very beautiful but it isnt anywhere close to what the UL+ does, the linearity of the UL+ is like a SS without its short comings.

I highly reccomend the LTA if neutrality is what you seek without the SS dryness or other shortcomings. 

jerryg123, your post says you "had " an inpol amp, if you liked it, why did you get

rid of and it? What did you replace it with?


@brm1 I gave it to one of my sons when he graduated from college and he went off to Grad School. Still in the family and listened to everyday. We made some great memories listening to jazz when he was home for the summers and I thought it was a great idea. Oh I also bought him a car.

He has a 100 year old house in South Bend and the system looks great in his living room with my my DeVore 0/96 speakers.


@brm1 I replaced it with a Qualiton X200 from AH and QLN Sonora's at the time. Now the QLN's are in my game room and Sonner Legato Unum's are in my listening room with the X200.  


  So you you've owned tubes and Inpol,can you compare the sound of the two types of amps.  I started with SS and moved to tubes 25 years ago.  I love the sound of tubes, but getting tired of fussing with them.  I know I dont want SS, or the typical hybrid amp, so thats  why I am looking at the Pathos Inpol.  I have always been curious about LTA amps, but I just dont have any experience with either.
