Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts

@crymeanaudioriver @amir_asr You are sitting there worrying if this or that other useless tweak like a cable makes a sonic difference.

I don’t worry about my equipment unless it fails. I never worry about tweaks or cables. The last time I had to choose a cable was after I purchased my first DAC and transport in 2019.  I auditioned six and chose one, the Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Euphoria. Why would someone with as fulfilling a life as me worry about cables or tweaks and it is in YOUR mind that they are USELESS.

@prof "would it be safe to say you are not an electrical designer or electrical engineer? If so, under what authority do you make the following comment" - concerning creating a high end DAC out of a mediocre DAC.

Well, I have such a DAC, built by a manufacturer of equipment and cables for his and my use. It beat out a $9,000 COS Engineering D1v and $5,000 D2v by a longshot. It is comparable to an $23,000 Meridian Ultradac. Because I tried all the latter three in comparison I say this with some authority, the authority of a recording engineer (me), a manufacturer (friend) and many audiophiles who have heard the same and came to the same conclusion.

Another DAC with excellent design engineer and inferior execution is the Emotiva XDA-2. No new audio board but 7! audiophile quality regulators instead of the computer grade junk inside, similar high end power and filter caps, resistors, etc. to make this into a high end DAC on the very cheap ($400 new plus about the same in added parts).

@russ69 We must be neighbors. I frequented Woodland Hills Audio Center back in the 70s and 80s. I heard several of Arnie’s speakers including a the large Infinity speakers in a home.



Think of the paradigm shift, manufacturers quickly figure out the cheapest way to make a graph look good because their market will convince themselves it sounds good because of the graph, no matter what.

Topping, surely. Sanctified by Mejidimehr-Al-Sinad, cheap enough to impulse buy with a click.

@kota1 : Yup! And it works. Think about it. Blame AmirM what you want, but he is very smart. He figured out his niche on the market.

Often, it’s not even graphs. I am willing to bet the majority of those guys don’t know how to read the graphs. Neither do they care. A Point system by the measurement guru & authority is what all it takes. Two data inputs from the comfort of mom’s basement bed: points by the guru system, and price. Boom! Done. Ka-Ching 

Well, some people prefer to benefit from information that can help them spend their money more wisely, others not so much I guess.

If I were thinking I needed to spend extra money on a "high end" USB cable to ensure I get good sound, I’d really appreciate people like Amir putting this stuff under the microscope and explaining the lack of plausibility to such claims:




Of course, anyone who relies in the idea their perception is infallible and trumps all theory, measurements or expert knowledge, won’t be the type to use such info.



When you look at the virtual systems of members here you typically see quality rooms that are treated, quality gear, and everyone seems to be looking to share.

The head panther over at ASR sticks a pair of expensive speakers in a room with nothing but dry wall, a hard floor, a microphone and a rug and to me, that is a monumental waste, of speakers, of the time spent listening, and sadly of the lost people following the pied piper over the cliff.