Your idea of being qualified is you have ears and are over 41? Right.
2. A studio engineer needs 3 pair? Not if they mix Atmos.
3. Speakers are in their infancy? Are you shopping at Best Buy? As for amps, some feel we are going backward, look at how much classic tube amps sell for today.
4. The last 30 years powered monitors use cheap amps? Wrong. Cheap powered monitors use cheap amps. If you want powered monitors with good amps call Sweetwater, they’ll sell em to you by the dozen.
5. Why do you care if someone has budget? Do you think if you close your eyes and wish Santa will bring you something LOL.
6. Your from Ohio? Like, is that an ID? So where are your mythical "best components" or are you waiting for Santa. If you want to be all that you gotta bring it, post your virtual system, otherwise it is just another month to Christmas LOL.
Your advanced software? That explains everything, you got software, Bill Gates watch out. LAMO