One dedicated circuit for each mono block?

If I have a dedicated 20 amp Circuit is that ok for two monoblocs? I read that a separate dedicated line is better for each amplifier. So the outlet can't have two plugs but it's better to not use one of the two plugs when connecting a mono block?

I have a transparent Power isolator which I know use to plug amps into.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

I am trying to evaluate the merits and to need forĀ getting a second dedicated line while installing the first.


I would plug both monoblocks into one dedicated circuit directly into wall outlet. Iewould use conditioner on other circuit for other equipmen. I believe this is as you were saying.

I have one 20 amp circuit feeding my Saturn 103C power conditioner. I also plugged a 20 amp SR orange fuse in it. From there both of my Sugden Mono blocks plug into the power conditioner. The sound is articulate crystal clean and ZERO NOISE...


Why do you plug all the junk into the second circuit of the dedicated line? Doesn't this impact the purity of electricity received by your mono blocks it may be taking away some of the power available to drive them, which may be a minor point.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

Yes. One dedicated 20A circuit for the two amps and one dedicated 20A circuit for your front end stuff. Amps plugged directly into the wall. No comment on whether to use the power isolator for your front end gear.
I have owned some pretty big monoblock amps (both Class A and AB) but none where a single 20A circuit would not have provided enough power, although I suspect there are a few monster amps out there. @erik_squires asked a good question as to the power consumption of your amps, and an easy way to gauge would be to look at the fuse size to each. If 8A or below, then one circuit at 20A should be enough.