SUT - electrical theory and practical experience

Some vinyl users use a SUT to enhance the signal of the MC cartridge so that it can be used in the MM input of a phono stage.  Although I don't understand the theory behind it, I realize that a SUT should be matched individually to a particular cartridge, depending on the internal impedance of the MC, among other things.  

Assuming an appropriately / ideally matched SUT and MC, What are the inherent advantages or disadvantages of inserting a SUT after the MC in the audio chain?  Does the SUT theoretically enhance or degrade the sound quality?  What does the SUT actually do to the sound quality? 



In a earlier post within this thread, I made it known, I had not given too much attention to using a shortest length cable between SUT and Phon'.

As said in the earlier post, I use a cable of approx' 70cm (28 inches) 

My memory got Jogged and I recollected a few things previously learnt.

The Capacitance for the Cable I use is 57pf per metre using Manufacturer Spec.

A friend, prior to my acquiring the 70cm Cable measured an identical cable with different RCA's in a 1.2mtr length at 90pf (Memory Jog Moment).

Maybe I was focused on creating a improved Capacitance art the Interface and purchased the 70cm length to attempt to achieve this.

Ihave detected minimal differences between the Two Cable lengths in use, but this attributed mainly to the Cable RCA's.  

I would like to think that a 70cm Cable, even with a different RCA Plug is near optimised with the required 'pf' at the interface.

I hope this assists with adding a little extra support for the usage descriptions given with the owned and in use SUT's and the occasionally introduced Head Amp.  

Dearb @intactaudio  : Thank's. I know all those and certainly about capacitance but my post was because the measures in the vinatge SUT's was not with 300k-500k and I found out measured at 47k and 180pf.


That's all.


@mulveling  , yes shorter cable is better but normally audiophiles use 1m. because is the " rule " by cable manufacturers and in the other side many times the owners need that 1m. for its system SUT place/phono stage.



Also, in a voltage driven conventional stage, the input load R can be thought of as the simplest form of passive current to voltage converter.

Dear @holmz  : "" The voltage input design produced has very precise gain, extremely precise RIAA compliance and unmeasurably low distortion. ""


That is the critical and must important issue/characteristic for me about current/voltage subject.


That statement is not only " imagination " of Palmer but he took the comparison measures and as always he did it in REAL TIME thank's that he have several of the computer AD modeling/simulation along the ones he developed and I know he did that kind of job and statement because in a very hot discussion here ( 3-4 years ago ) he showed inmediatly the measurements, one after the other.


Audiophiles can like whatever they like but with UNMEASURABLE low distortions: who cares about, ceratinly not me.

