The OP made it known that they are inquiring about a Specific usage of Ancillaries used in conjunction with a Cartridge and Phono-Pre-Amp'.
They made it known there were limits to their knowledge on the subject.
I can only assume the request to offer a description of whether a SQ is Improved or Degraded through the methodology is to be attained from a Subjective Evaluation and reports being offered from individuals who are familiar with methodology.
Receiving feedback from others who were or had optimised this method and who could offer a extended description as a result of the various permutations that can be produced will have shown, that certain permutations don't work for some and are rejected.
SUT's are usually met with the alternative being the Head Amp, and informing the OP of this as an option is an off-route diversion from the initial inquiry, but does have relevance.
Another Older Thread has resurfaced with the SUT as the main Topic, and this will have proved to be an excellent read for the OP if they have visited the Thread.
I hope the OP has been able to keep their eye on the prize and not get to bogged down in the noise that has been Trebuchet Launched into the discussion in an attempt to Siege the Castle.