Which Solid State amplifier would you recommend for my budget?

I have a Conrad Johnson lp70 for my Acoustats and would like to pick up a good SS amp. My budget is about $2,500-3,000.

Jeff Rowland 525

Jeff Rowlan Model 5

Threshold s/5000e

Krell  KSA-250

Thank you in advance.


I agree with the Belles recommendations. If budget is an issue, the Belles Aria integrated is the most muscular 75 watts you can ask for and this model comes with a headphone jack. If you are more interested in a killer integrated with a huge, dual mono power supply,  the 85 wpc into 8 ohms and 130 wpc into 4 ohm Aria Dual Mono integrated is a fantastic speaker friendly amplifier and a great fit with the Spendor D7.2 loudspeaker. If you want more power, choose the Aria Signature integrated with a huge dual mono power supply outputting 125 wpc at 8 ohms and 225 wpc into 4 ohms. With Belles, you just can't go wrong. Two things I immediately noticed with the Belles Dual Mono integrated was it woke up my speakers and exhibits zero listening fatigue.

Should also look at Heed as they make some freaking awesome sounding Class A integrated for a very very reasonable price. Gene Ruben is a dealer in California. 

I have Heed Elixir that I just love in one of my systems. 

The Best Integrated Amplifiers | Buyers Guide 2022 - Part-Time Audiophile (parttimeaudiophile.com)

When I had 2 + 2s, I had both the interface (allows you use your own amps) and 4 of their servo-amps (semi moded); I highly recommend them. There's a guy in FL who does great upgrades for them


I recommend one of the class D amps … Orchard audio or one with Purifi units inside. The Orchard Ultra has great sound for the $$.

I have Acoustat 2+2’s and Spectra 66’s. I am currently using a Mark Levinson ML-9 (which can be had pretty reasonably) and I’m extremely happy. I have a Rowland 5 I just purchased coming this week. I will see how it does compared to the ML9 and my Acoustat Trans Nova amps.