Digital is far better than vinyl

I have invested a decent sum of money into my digital setup, including a decent streamer (Innuos Zenith MK3), a very good dac (Denafrips Terminator 2), Eno filter, and good cabling. But after being told by many here that vinyl is vastly superior to digital, I thought let’s build an analog system and see what all the fuss is about. So this is what I did ...

I picked up an Audio Technica TT from Amazon for around $299. I then used one of the older integrated amps with a built-in phono, which I believe I paid around $500 a few years ago. And, finally, just to even out the playing field I bought the cheapest possible cables from alibaba. Since I didn’t have extra rack space to put the TT on, I got a couple of bricks and built a DIY platform for it.

So after listening to the analog setup for a few days, I can proclaim without a shadow of doubt that digital is far, far superior than vinyl on any given day, and twice a day on Sunday.

What has been your experience? And please, don’t mention your gear or any special. cartridges, isolation, etc. Not interested in your system details. I just want to make sure you guys understand that digital is far, far superior than vinyl.


And for god’s sake, I have said multiple times that I don’t think analog is inferior. What’s up with you vinyl guys? So touchy and emotional. Lol 

"Obviously, I was being facetious. "

Then why did you bother posting? Trolling?


your terrific humor and satire is lost on many here, unfortunately, and instead you unleashed some latent audiophilia nervosa and belligerence!! 😂🤣 -- hope you had a good thanksgiving and long weekend, and are enjoying the music

to folks who are not quite in the know, @arafiq was facetiously (and hilariously, imo) making his op as a tit-for-tat ridicule of the all-too-serious post from a week or so prior, using the same goofy posture and passive aggressive posture to laud analog...

i guess you needed to be here, and then, see that goofy post and the responses it engendered, to get the joke...

anyhow, best wishes for the year end holidays to all, and hope your holidays are filled with humor and joy!!!

@jjss49 and @jerryg123 -- thanks for ’getting’ the joke. I thought the satire was obvious but never expected that this thread would garner 150+ responses. That’s crazy!!! It also shows how many people never bothered to read the subsequent posts before jumping to conclusions.

"latent audiophilia nervosa and belligerence"

Haha! I couldn’t have explained the knee jerk and clueless reactions any better.

Tonight I’m going to sacrifice three virtual lambs at the digital altar to appease the vinyl gods (who are apparently the most thin-skinned and humorless gods in audiophiliac universe).

Happy holidays to everyone!