Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System

Has anyone directly compared between the two? If my conversion isn't off, it looks like the Eno Streaming System is roughly $1,000 compared to the SGC Optical Isolation System at $350 (sale) w/linear power supply. 


SGC Optical System: 


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@jerryg123 Thanks for sharing. I used the same converter when I owned the Sonore opticalRendu bundle.

I'm using Node 2i in the second system. Can you think of any reason why this won't work with the Node? Is there a way to add an LPS?

@arafiq this is what I am using, and you will need to pick up an extra cable. 


@jerryg123 , I am about to upgrade my ethernet and was looking at geting the Add-Powr Symphony I/O. It is about $500. Then I look at the fiber solution you posted and think it may work but is it too subtle, and then you have to add more boxes. Opinion?

@kota1 the fiber option is going to eliminate EMI and RFI as noise cannot travel across fiber. It is just blacker, cleaner. Add the LPS to eliminate the 5v switching and noise. The LPS facilitate both fiber converters. 

I hope this helps.