Better music player alternative to Mac Air / laptop

I am currently using Apple Macbook Air and/or Ms. Window based laptop as the hardware player, and pairing either “Foobar 2000” or “VLC” with the Mac/laptop for music playing.  I prefer Mac Air to laptop because it has no fan.  I collect lawful 16/24 bits, 44.1/88.2 khz flac and good recordings from Youtube and store them in a solid state drive as the source. 

Although I felt the noise floor from this combination is quite dark and satisfactory, I am open to a possibly “cleaner” music player alternative/device (with display preferrably) than my current Apple Mac/laptop that the audiophiles continuously claim to be “dirty.”  The “player” may include both hardware and software because the software I am currently using may not be able to run on the new device.  I heard Mac Mini is a good choice so please share your experience if you had it.  I do not stream and I do not intend to invest in the streamer in the near future.  Thank you.


Finally, I tried out the iFi Zen Streamer when it is on sale for $299. I still has not streamed hi-res music from those music providers but simply played out the flac files from HDD. Wow, I wish I try earlier. The SQ is improved in every way as compared to playing from Mac or laptop. Music is more airy and open. SS is wider/deeper with darker background and better separation. Clarity is improved too, making low volume level music listening more enjoyable.  For example, cymbal sound more real with extended reverb. I was fully convinced.

Congrats!  Upgrading the power supply should get you a further increase in performance if desired.

Yep, I plan to try iFi iPower 2 or possibly LPS 12 volts next.  Let me know please if you have positive experience with them.   

I used the iPowerX because it was all that was in my budget. I’d go with an LPS if it was in my budget as I’d guess it’d be even better.  I didn’t compare it to the stock unit because it all came together and as I’ve heard so many positive reviews of using upgraded power supplies with streamers and like the sound I’m getting so much now I can’t bring myself to pull it out and put in the stock power supply. If I ever do I’ll report back, but right now my streaming sound through Qobuz sounds better than spinning discs so I’m not even questioning it at this point.