Has Anyone heard The Boulder 1021 CD player?

Recently saw pictures of this unit and read a brief description on their website. Looks impressive, but how does it sound. This is new territory for Boulder. I hear it was somewhere at CES.
Hey folks to put the vague discussion to an end.

I use 1021 going directly into 1060. I´ve compared in the last weeks extensively top notch CD-players with built in pre (Wadia 781i, DCS Puccini, Accuphase DP-700, Nagra CDP, Levinson No.51) and I can honestly say driving the 1060 directly (without pre) the 1021 was by far the best followed by the Puccini.
Speakers used were Avalon Indras, cables (borrowed) Tara Labs Zero and Omega.

Arthur: best in every way (detail retrieval, baseline (punch and control), transparency, pin point imaging and soundstageing). As a long time audiophile I would not have spent crazy money on a cd-only player wouldn´t it be THAT good.
Arthur. All the details are provided on the Boulder web.site with pics of the devices (front and back image).
rgds., frank