solid core VS stranded for inside speaker cabinet

I recently purchased a crossover upgrade DIY from a popular seller GR research for a Klip 504c however the seller sent me in the kit Solid core wire as part of the kit   , I always thought stranded was best and I haven't really seen solid used before inside of a speaker cabinet , I was taught that electrons flow on the outside of a wire not the inside so having many strands is better vs 1 16 awg solid core wire , I thought that this seller maybe just wanted to save a little money by sending this wire out but he insists solid core is better , my gut wants me to finish this project off with stranded not solid core , I want to ask what's better and why,  is it possible solid wire from the cross over to the speaker is better or is stranded better from the cross over to the speaker? 


Solid wire has ever so slightly more cross sectional area than the equivalent multi strand wire since it does not have the miniscule air gaps in between the individual strands, and hence is capable of carrying slightly more current.

The downside however is that it is not flexible.

So, it IS ok to use solid wire in areas which will NOT be subject to any motion or vibration.

As far as the skin effect is concerned, at those frequencies and the lengths of wire involved, the effect is negligible and will be inaudible, especially if you use thicker than required wire.


IHave been modding Loudspeakers for over 20 years ,i personally like Cardas-0

crystal Copper Litz wire,  Litz sounds clearer and faster  I find ideal ,Vh audio 24 strand  litz - individual stands each strand is thin Teflon coated.

is also very good but more work separating the conductors from the center cotton weave.

Danny is has a ton of experience experimenting and testing this stuff.  He's also a straight shooter and wouldn't sell you something cheaper to increase his profit by a few cents...he'd just charge a bit more if necessary.  You bought his kit and his experience for a reason.  If you were in a position to go against his recommendations, you wouldn't have ordered from him in the first place.  Try it.

For the short runs of wire inside your speakers, you probably hear any difference between solid and stranded wire as long as it’s good quality wire. And while I don’t have any personal experience with GR Research, I’m sure you can call Danny and he will explain why he sent you what he sent you.

All the best.