Best Amps for Magneplanar 1.7i Speakers

I have a new pair of Magneplanar 1.7i speakers. Source material is CDs played on an  OPPO 105D disc player, and Qobuz streamed through the OPPO. Current amplification is Rogue Audio Sphinx (version 1). I have an old B&W powered subwoofer (ASW2000)  connected to the subwoofer outputs on the Sphinx. Listening room is about 15’x14’, ceiling height 9’. The sound quality is reasonably good but at times it feels a little underpowered. I’d welcome thoughts  on whether the Sphinx is enough amplifier for the speakers and what other amplifiers (integrated or pre- and power-amp combinations) might work well? Especially interested in views regarding tubes versus solid state. Budget for the amp or amp combo is $4,000 to $8,000. Thanks in advance!


Sanders Magtech amp hands down. I had 1.7 I 's and 3.7's and it powered them with ease and great finesse. Maggie's need CURRENT and the Magtech has loads of it  runs cool they are extremely overbuilt. 

You want a minimum of 150 watts to sound decent.  More is better.  Like 250.

The Peachtree GaN 400 watt amp is class D Ganfets. They sound very tubish but have the guts to run those Maggies. I’m picking up a pair of LRS+ today..... Enjoy the music...not the equipment.

Has this question been asked before?? : )

I have the Magnepans. 7’s and drove them with my VAC PA 100 100 tube amp and ARC LS15 tube pre amp It was acceptable, but felt the Maggie’s just wanted more watts/current So out came the VAC and in went my Spectron musical MK lll

500watts@8ohm 650@4ohms and 1,200 watts@1ohm

65 amps for 500 milliseconds Now my Maggie’s beg for mercy!

So give them as much watts/current as possible