Anyone, please try to compare:
Wadia 861SE vs. Wadia 850 vs. Wadia 581SE vs. DcS P8i vs. Cary 306/200
Interested in opinions on Wadias both - with or without GNSC mods.
The areas for comparisons -
1. Bass (depth, tightness, speed, and dynamics of the double bass pedal)
2.Midrange (clarity, natural-sounding, vocal performance, timbre)
3.Treble (extension, smoothnes, and non-etched)
5.Non-digital (but without losing clarity,resolution and frequency extremes)
I will connect my player to 320B XLS SET(15 W/ch) thru Gabriel Gold Revelation IC cables, and both are extremely natural, relaxed and analog-like.Also are the speakers (Silverline Sinfonia, 96 Db, 18Hz-28kHz).I don't want a player that sacrifices dynamics or bass output.If my system is going to be weak anywhere, it could only be those areas.That's why dynamics and bass speed and impact are very important.