I think the most difficult to project is the speakers. My other components are highly adaptable (Peachtree Grand X-1 hybrid integrated with Sabre DAC on board) and turntables and other digital sources are easy to blend. But not speakers. And the shipping challenges, including the cost. Even a local needs a fork lift and big truck to move some of these and 3 heafty movers to pick them up.
Not for an audition! After decades of chasing the sound and too much money spent on commercial speakers, I learned to build my own. I began with 4 foot high cabinets sold as Inter-Audio A-4s. These were built from the late 50s and into the '80s by Bose Corp and before 'direct-reflecting' sound. They came with 2 tweeters crossed for a 'super tweeter'; a 6" mid and a 10" woofer. A highlight was a second cutout below the woofer for a passive radiator that absorbes excess pressure.
I began by stripping all but the box and worked from there. The turning point (Hey Archimedes, what's ypur point?) was moving 3 sets of tweeters out and in, 3 different mids and 2 woofers and these in various combination.
I knew what I wanted to hear and built them to fit my smaller but open space. And when I got the final set of tweeters (B & C with sensitivty at 108) I put Mondorf hollow core silver foil resistors in to bring them down to the 95 sensitivity of the other drivers.
Anyway, I had a great time. I learned a lot and proceeded with more certainty to build 3 sets of fine speakers for my adult chldren. And I am mostly very happy with this system. Sometimes I sit and think I should get all pure silver wire and take them apart once again. Then I put on some vinyl jazz and pour 2-fingers and wait for the urge to go away.
Close to $10,000 spent on components and then, 'home made speakers'. And I could not be happier. This one is too hot, this one is too cold, and this porrige is just right.