Built-in vs. Standalone DACs

The general consensus here seems to be that standalone DACs are generally better than those built into an integrated amplifier. Many also agree that standalone DACs provide more flexibility, i.e., you can swap DACs without changing the amp.

For the sake of discussion, let’s set aside the flexibility argument and only focus on sound fidelity for now. The primary advantage of a standalone DAC is that it provides better isolation (reduction in electrical noise) since it’s not sharing its architecture with other shared components like power supplies and chassis, etc. I’m also assuming that service and repair is a bit easier as well. What other technical advantages can you guys think of?

Another salient point that I’ve come across is that many manufacturers treat a built-in DAC as an afterthought, and so while the DACs might not be bad per se they are never the star of the show. As a result, the manufacturers don’t go the extra mile in a way that a company producing standalone DACs might. I think you can put Krell, Hegel, McIntosh in this bucket. If you disagree, feel free to correct me.

But on the other hand, we see some high-end manufacturers providing built-in DAC modules and charging quite a bit for it. Examples include Accuphase, Gryphon, Aavik, Soluution, Audio Research, etc. In many cases, the addition of a DAC module can set you back an additional $5-7k. Do you guys think the high cost is basically a ’convenience’ surcharge, or can these high-end built-in DACs compete with DACs that cost about the same, e.g. standalone DACs in the $5-10K range.

So let’s say someone is ordering a Gryphon Diablo 300 and have to decide between adding their DAC module, or buying a separate DAC. Ignoring the flexibility argument for a minute, which route provides better SQ?



I am a 2 channel guy and yes, I have run through the gambit of DACs over the years.  No more, no more. narrowed down to 2 of them Moon 680D in the game room and LessLoss Echos End with Firewire 640X downstairs. 

HT is for TV what little I watch, sports and science shows. 

Out in the shop I have a Cyrus One Class D that I stream via BT. 

I have had several Simaudio and Bel Canto integrated's with DACs built in and found the soundstage, separation and clarity was better with external Dac's.

For what it's worth. 

For those who buy combo DAC/Streamers I wish you luck upgrading as each of these technologies progress at a rapid pace.  Why?  Just for the convenience of having one box and one less interconnect?  To each his/her own, but I’ll take the flexibility of a separate DAC and streamer every time.  But that’s just me. 

I have found that separates are better. I have a combined HT and 2 channel system. I’m using my Anthem AVM70 as my preamp. I have an ifi Zen stream. I was using it via transparent coax cable to the avm70 dac. It sounds very nice. I just got the ifi dac one signature which is only $350. With the $2 cables in the box the ifi immediately had a larger soundstage. The Anthem had maybe slightly better midrange body. Then I plugged in the ifi ipower elite and it took a massive dump on the Anthem. Then I used my Transparent cables instead of the stock ones in the box and it was game over. Tremendously wider soundstage.